Got any Question

We've answers

Here are some of the questions we have answers for you!

There is no contract. At any point you can cancel and no further payments will be taken. To do this go to Manage Payments in the top-right account menu then click Cancel Subscription.

We accept credit and debit card payments for Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Contact us if you need an alternative payment method.

The first payment is taken on the day you start the subscription and then on the same day each month or year thereafter.

Yes, to do this go to Manage Payments in the top-right account menu then click Manage Payments

You will still have access to your My Game folder. You will still be able to play, or edit your resources. Any game that you have published or embedded will continue to work as before.
However, you will then not be able to create new game if exceed inventory limit

The invoices can be found by going to Manage Payments in the top-right account menu. Scroll down to see a table of all past payments each with a PDF link. Contact us if you need your invoice details amended.

Yes, there is no problem doing this. Your game will be safe and you'll still be able to use all of the free basic features in the meantime.

You're organizing an event or conference. You need some games to keep your users engaged.

You operate an entertainment portal, and require new content for your users. Where do you go, to get fresh content on a regular basis?

You're an agency, and you need games rebranded for your clients. You need an existing game mechanic, with the artwork rebranded.

You are a network or content provider, with your own games portal. You'd like to populate them with quality HTML5 games.

You need content that works on both desktop and mobile devices.

You own a very popular native app with millions of downloads, but you want to host mini-games within the app to increase retention or royalty.

You have your own hardware platform that supports HTML5. You need games to populate the platform in online / offline mode.

Klick2Play provide games that work on modern smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops. That covers the entire consumer devices market. Now, you can create mini games, then upload them to your website/mobile portal.

You will have access to a dashboard, where you can access to our game list and start customizing your content. We shall then generate a customized version of the game for you.

YES! Please try it our as easy as 1-2-3

Sure, but do check out play bandwidth incase you hit the limit with that many traffic.

No worries, we can help. Our developer will provide you with tailor made game. Do contact us at [email protected]

No worries, we support this too! The beauty of HTML5 is that it can adapt to any medium you wish.

You are doing business with Xhinobi Studio only. All games are produced internally by our own team.

Xhinobi Studio owns the IP rights. The buyer (you) acquires the distribution rights (license) to the game.
